USR Call Director

E-mail a Support technician - USR Call Director ONLY

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Our goal is to ensure that you receive the most accurate response to your question. To provide you with the best support possible we need your assistance. Please complete the following form and include a detailed description of your problem. When you are finished, click the Send E-mail button. Fields marked with a • are required for e-mail support.

Answers to typical questions as well as drivers, firmware, software and documents are available on the individual product support pages. Check the FAQs and links to the right for common issues. Go to the main support page or select your product from the pulldown menu on the right for specific files or troubleshooting.

Name •
E-mail Address •

State    Zip
Country •
Telephone (work)
Telephone (home)
Product Code•
Serial Number•

Operating System•
OS Version•
Describe problem•
Be specific. 
Include Serial Number again if possible. 
(You may enter up to 254 characters.)

Please Click the "Send E-mail" button ONLY once.

Looking for Modem Support? E-mail a support technican specifically for modems or other networking gear by using this E-mail a Technician page.