Introduction >
Installing Your Modem
Transmitting Data and Faxes
Troubleshooting and Support
AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes
Regulatory Information
USRobotics 56K PC Card Winmodem with XJACK®
Connector User Guide

Modem Features
- Advanced Line Probing: Advanced Line Probing technology for
V.90 connections automatically steers you around even the worst line
impairments, allowing faster connections and data transfers.
- AT Command Help Screens: AT commands allow you to control many
of the functions of your modem. You can use AT commands by typing them
at the command line of any Terminal program. Your modem can display
screens summarizing AT commands, dial command options, and S-register
functions. Refer to the AT
Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes section in this guide.
- Automatic Calling Card Dialing: Whenever you make a calling
card call, your modem will detect the tone that sounds prior to entering
your calling card number. You can have the modem automatically enter
your calling card number and place the call by entering the following
string: ATDT <phone#>&<calling card#>
- Call Progress Detection: An optional set of result codes lets
you know when the telephone number you have dialed is busy, the line
has been picked up but a modem is not answering the call, there is no
dial tone on the telephone line, or a call is coming in. These result
codes, and the commands that enable or disable these result codes, are
controlled by the ATXn command. Refer to the AT
Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes section in this guide.
- Dialing Stored Phone Numbers: Your modem can store up to four
of your most frequently called numbers. Refer to the AT Commands, S-Registers, and Result Codes section in this guide.
Use AT&Z for storing numbers and ATDS for dialing stored
numbers. For example, suppose you are dialing a phone number of 123-4567,
and it is the first number you have stored. You would enter AT&Z0=1234567
to store the number, and ATDS0 to dial it. To dial the second phone
number in the stored numbers list, you would enter AT&Z1=9876543 to
store it, and ATDS1 to dial it.
- Digital Line Guard: For landline connections, Digital Line
Guard protects the modem's circuitry from overvoltage from ISDN or digital
PBX lines.
- Redialing the Last Dialed Number: Your modem stores each dialed
number until another number is dialed. Enter ATDL to redial the last
number dialed during the current session.
- Software Upgrade: Your modem can be updated to correct problems
without having to return your modem to USRobotics. Current software
upgrades and the instructions to use them are available from the U.S.
Robotics Web site at
If your modem is functioning properly, there is usually no need to upgrade
it. In any case, we recommend upgrading only under the direction of
a Customer Support Application Engineer.
- V.90 Technology: With V.90, your modem will be capable of receiving
data at up to 56 Kbps and sending data at up to 31.2 Kbps.
*Actual download speeds you experience may be lower
due to varying line conditions. Requires compatible phone line and server
equipment. Complies with both the V.90 56K standard and x2 technology
What You Will Need
- Notebook computer with an empty PC card slot
- Analog telephone line
CAUTION: The USRobotics 56K PC
Card Winmodem with XJACK Connector requires a standard analog telephone
line. Do not connect your modem to a digital telephone line. Digital lines
are commonly used in office buildings and hotels. If you are unsure whether
your line is analog or digital, ask your network administrator, building
management, or your local telephone company.
Before You Begin: Preparing for installation
Note: USRobotics recommends uninstalling
any other modems that are installed in your system and unplugging all
telephone cords connected to these modems. Refer to your previous modem's
documentation for instructions.
Write down your new modem's serial number, which is located on the white
bar code sticker on the modem and on the modem's box, in the Quick Installation
Guide. If you ever need to call our Technical Support department, you
will need the serial number and the model number (3056) to receive assistance.
If you need to get assistance or download drivers from the Web site, you
will need the product ID (USR3056).