3Com Megahertz
56K Global GSM and Cellular Modem PC Card User Guide
Windows 3.1x and DOS  

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Windows 3.1x and DOS




    NOTE: If Card and Socket Services (C&SS) are installed on your computer, run Setup from Windows. Setup detects how C&SS will enable each of your PC Cards, and also determines what resources are available on your computer. If you use the Enabler, in many cases you must determine what COM port, base I/O addresses, and IRQs to assign to your PC Cards.

To install your modem, use file ENABLE.EXE, which can be run from the DOS prompt, through File>Run in Windows 3.1x, or from your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS file. ENABLE.EXE uses the default values specified in the ENABLE.INI file, but you may change any or all of the default settings when you run Enable by using the following switches:





    Indicates the COM port that you want the modem to use. You may use 1 through 4, or you can remove the switch to have Enable choose the first available port.


    Indicates a delay in milliseconds that the driver waits to initialize the card. It is needed only for machines with a Ricoh PCMCIA controller, such as the IBM 360 and the IBM 755. The value of nnnn is usually 500.

    /h or /?

    Displays a help screen.


    Indicates the modem interrupt (IRQ) you will use, where n indicates the interrupt level. The value of n can be 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, or 15. 3 and 5 are good choices. If you are using COM1 or COM3 for your modem, the default IRQ is 4. If you are using COM2 or COM4, the default IRQ is 3. Your modem can use any IRQ that is available. The configuration of your computer determines which IRQs are available.


    Indicates the starting memory address for the modem. Values of nnnn can be Ch to EFh in 1h increments. The default is Dh. You must exclude the same memory range on the memory manager line in the CONFIG.SYS file. C8h-C8FFh or Dh-DFFh are good choices.


    Indicates the PC Card slot the modem is in, where n can indicate slot A through H. The default is A (there is no standard about which slot is A and which is B when two slots exist. You may need to experiment to find out). If no slot is specified, Enable will cycle through all the PC Card slots.


    Disables the slot the modem is in, where n can indicate slot A through H. It removes Enable information from the modem's memory and turns off the power to the modem. If no slot is specified, all slots are disabled.


    Displays verbose status messages.

For example, to indicate that you want your modem to use COM4 and Slot B, enter the following statement at the DOS prompt:

    ENABLE /C4 /SB

To add the enabler to your CONFIG.SYS or AUTOEXEC.BAT file, follow these steps:

  1. At the DOS prompt (C:>), enter md \mhz to create an MHZ directory on your hard drive.
  2. Insert the 3Com Megahertz Installation Diskette into the floppy drive.
  3. At the DOS prompt (C:>), enter copy a:\enable.* c:\mhz. This command copies ENABLE.EXE and ENABLE.INI to the c:\mhz directory.
  4. Use a text editor such as EDIT to add the following two lines to the END of your CONFIG.SYS file:
  5. [common]

[common] is needed only if you are using DOS 6.0 or later (type ver at the DOS prompt to see what version of DOS you are running).

Placing these two lines in the CONFIG.SYS file allows Enable to run every time you reboot your computer.

  1. Using a text editor such as EDIT, modify the Memory= line in file ENABLE.INI that you copied to your hard drive.
  2. Memory specifies the memory location to be used to enable the card. If you are using Card and Socket Services, specify the same address that it uses. If you are using ENABLE.EXE, exclude the memory range that you will use with your memory manager. You should exclude a 4K block of memory. For example, if you were using memory location Dh, you could exclude the 4K block for EMM386 by specifying the desired value of X=D-DFF to the appropriate line in your CONFIG.SYS. For example:

Your modem is now installed. You must use a communications software package (see Communications Software) to send and receive data and faxes.