The USRobotics Wireless MAXg Router provides the latest 802.11g technology, delivering optimal wireless connections to your PCs, laptops, and other wireless devices. The router also provides the maximum speed – up to 125 Mbps – delivering large files like MP3s, digital photos, and digital video through your network fast and efficiently. And with the router, your network will be protected with a suite of security capabilities, including Wi-Fi Protected Setup™ (WPS), Stateful Packet Inspection firewall for protection from network intrusions, Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA and WPA2), WPA2/802.11i, TKIP and AES Encryption, MAC address authentication, and more.

In addition to providing state-of-the-art wireless connectivity, your router includes an integrated print server, allowing you to share your USB printer with other computers on your network and a 4-Port Ethernet switch for connecting additional Ethernet devices.

System Requirements

All other users: An HTML 4.01-compliant Web browser with JavaScript enabled

Product Views


Symbol Name State Condition
Power Off Not receiving power.
Solid Receiving power.
WLAN Off Wireless connection is disabled.
Solid Wireless connection is enabled.
Flashing Sending and receiving data.
WAN Off No Internet connection is established.
Solid Internet connection is established.
Flashing Sending and receiving data.
1 to 4
Off No LAN connection.
Solid LAN link is achieved.
Flashing Sending and receiving data.
Printer Off No printer connection is detected.
Solid Printer connection is detected.
Flashing Sending data to printer.


Item Function

Connects your router to your Cable modem, DSL modem or network.

The Internet, or your business/office network, is often called a Wide Area Network (WAN).

LAN Ports 1 - 4 Connects additional devices to your router.
USB Connects your router to a USB printer.

Reboots your router or restores your router to the factory default settings.

  • To reboot your router without changing your current settings, press and hold the Reset button for 1 second.

  • To restore your router to the factory default settings, press and hold the Reset button for 7 seconds.

9VDC Connects the power adapter to your router.
Connects an antenna to the router.

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