Physical Features

  1. Serial port connects the modem to your computer.
  2. Telephone port connects the modem to your phone line.
  3. Power port connects the modem to a power source.
  4. Power switch turns the modem on and off.
  5. LEDs indicate the status of the modem and the data being transferred. For more information about these indicators, see the table below.

    LED Name State Condition
    RD Receive Data Blinking Receiving data
    SD Send Data Blinking Sending data
    PWR Power On Receiving power
    CD Carrier Detect On Receiving a valid data signal from a remote modem; data transmission is possible.


    CD override is ON (&C0).


Modulation Schemes

Error Control and Data Compression Schemes

Fax Modulation Schemes

Fax Standards

Downstream Link Rates (V.90/V.92)

56000, 54666, 53333, 52000, 50666, 49333, 48000, 46666, 45333, 44000, 42666, 41333, 40000, 38666, 37333, 36000, 34666, 33333, 32000, 30666, 29333, 28000

Upstream Link Rates (V.92-PCM Upstream)

48000, 46666, 45333, 44000, 42666, 41333, 40000, 38666, 37333, 36000, 34666, 33333, 32000, 30666, 29333, 28000

Upstream Link Rates (V.90)

31200, 28800, 26400, 24000, 21600, 19200, 16800, 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800

V.34+ Link Rates

33600, 31200, 28800, 26400, 24000, 21600, 19200, 16800, 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800

V.32bis Link Rates

14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800

Additional Link Rate

2400, 1200, 300

Fax Link Rates

14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400

DTE Rates

115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 2400, 1200, 300