
Physical Features

  1. Power Switch
  2. LEDs
  3. Line to wall jack
  4. Line to telephone
  5. DIP switches
  6. Serial port
  7. Power port
  8. Volume dial



LED Name State Condition
AA Auto Answer On Answering a call
- Or -
Register S0 is set to 1 or higher
Off Modem is originating a call
Flashing Incoming call
CD Carrier Detect On Receiving carrier signal from remote modem
- Or -
CD override is ON (&C0)
RD Received Data Flashing Receiving data from remote modem
SD Send Data Flashing Sending data to remote modem
TR Terminal Ready On DTR override is on.
- Or -
DTR override is set to On (&D0)
CS Clear to Send On Modem is on and ready to send data
ARQ/FAX Error Control On Successfully established an error control connection
- Or -
Modem is set to &M4 or &M5 and successfully established an error control connection
Flashing Transmitting data to remote modem
Blinking Modem is in fax mode


DIP Switches

Switch Default Function
1 - Data Terminal Ready (DTR) Override OFF OFF : Normal DTR operations. Computer must provide DTR signal for the modem to accept commands; dropping DTR terminates a call.

ON : Modem ignores DTR (Override).
2 - Verbal/Numeric Result Codes OFF OFF : Verbal (word) results.
ON : Numeric results.
3 -Result Code Display ON OFF : Suppresses result codes.
ON : Enables result codes.
4 - Command Mode Local Echo Suppression OFF OFF : Displays keyboard commands.
ON : Suppresses echo.
5 - Auto Answer Suppression ON OFF : Modem answers on first ring, or higher if specified in NVRAM.
ON : Disables auto answer.
6 - Carrier Detect (CD) Override OFF OFF : Modem sends CD signal when it connects with another modem, drops CD on disconnect.
ON : CD always ON (Override).
7 - Power-on and ATZ Reset Software Defaults OFF OFF : Loads Y0-Y4 configuration from user-defined nonvolatile memory (NVRAM).
ON : Loads &F0 Generic template from Read Only Memory (ROM).
8 - AT Command Set Recognition ON OFF : Disables command recognition (dumb mode).
ON : Enables recognition (smart mode).


Modulation Schemes

Error Control and Data Compression Schemes

Fax Modulation Schemes

Fax Standards

Downstream Link Rates (V.90/V.92)

56000, 54666, 53333, 52000, 50666, 49333, 48000, 46666, 45333, 44000, 42666, 41333, 40000, 38666, 37333, 36000, 34666, 33333, 32000, 30666, 29333, 28000

Upstream Link Rates (V.92-PCM Upstream)

48000, 46666, 45333, 44000, 42666, 41333, 40000, 38666, 37333, 36000, 34666, 33333, 32000, 30666, 29333, 28000

Upstream Link Rates (V.90)

31200, 28800, 26400, 24000, 21600, 19200, 16800, 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800

V.34+ Link Rates

33600, 31200, 28800, 26400, 24000, 21600, 19200, 16800, 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800

V.32bis Link Rates

14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800

Additional Link Rate

2400, 1200, 300

Fax Link Rates

14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800, 2400

DTE Rates

115200, 57600, 38400, 19200, 9600, 2400, 1200, 300