Release notes:
New Features:
This section contains a list of new features implemented in this release from
the last public release of
1. FTP throttling
2. FTP WAN Access
3. One-to-One NAPT support
4. IPSec Client ID field for main mode.
Resolved Issues:
This section contains issues resolved in this release.
1. Ethernet header fix. This could cause the USR8200 to lock up. This was
most commonly seen while handling PPTP traffic but could also happen in
normal traffic.
1. Firewall related issues.
2. Traffic stops within 10 - 180 seconds (RIP related; see RIP).
3. When rebooting while a hard drive is connected, IPSec reports "resolving host name"
(timing issue on boot up).
4. Due to Intel CSR 1.4 malfunction, IPSec connection is being blocked after
massive traffic is transfered through the IPSec tunnel.
1. Traffic stops within 10 - 180 seconds (RIP related; see RIP).
2. Multiple connections from behind the same gateway would fail.
3. With multiple LANs configured you could not change the PPTP
DHCP pool over to a secondary LAN on the USR8200.
4. Throughput through the USR8200s PPTP Client was slow.
1. During RIP updates every 180 seconds the router randomly deleted route
entries RIP never created. This had a side effect for some VPN sessions
where traffic would stop flowing.
1. UDP checksum field in the DNS query is set to 0, which started causing
problems when Comcast changed from ATTBI DNS servers to their own. The
proper fix should be done on Comcasts network.
1. When in Maximum security level, defining a bridge over USR8200's LAN
devices and then removing it, renders the board inaccessible.
2. There is no way to connect more than one SIP client that uses an external
SIP proxy to the USR8200.
3. Error messages appear in the USR8200 console (USR8200 CLI) when URL keyword
filter is enabled. There seems to be no effect on functionality.
4. Using MSN-Messenger Remote-Administration feature fails on some cases.
5. If a SIP client in the LAN fails to register itself in the SIP parent
registrar in 2 minutes, it will not be able to receive incoming calls.
6. Some videos were having a problem playing on video.msn.com and
1. Disabling manually configured WAN-LAN bridge may cause the board to panic
and reboot.
1. When assigning an IP address (that was used for one of the LAN devices) to
a LAN bridge, USR8200 might crash.
1. Entering invalid details to DNS Dynamic account disables update functionality.
1. The "Jobs Printed" counter is always "0" in the print server status page.
1. The override subnet mask field does not affect the route table.
2. PPP will fail to detect one-byte protocol.
Remote Update
1. Remote update should wait 5 minutes after boot before attempting upgrade.
1. When UPnP is enabled, both MSN and Windows Messengers in the LAN can fail
to communicate with other Messengers in the Internet.
2. Video conference, initiated with MSN Messenger 6.2 client in the WAN with
MSN Messenger 6.2 client in USR8200's LAN may disconnect after a few minutes.
3. When a video and an audio session are established between the Windows
Messenger 4.2 clients both in the WAN and in USR8200's LAN, initiating an
application sharing from WAN client may fail.
Web-based Management
1. When defining a static IP, a wrong error message appears.
2. USR8200 crashes after entering SMTP authentication user name and password
in the 'System settings' and pressing on 'Apply' twice.
3. Firmware upgrade is stopped if the web-based management session is
4. Invalid character in number fields "`" would be interpreted as "9".
Known Issues:
This section contains a list of known issues with workarounds that are currently
1. Changing from a static IP (Use the Following IP Address) to Dynamic IP
(Obtain an IP Address Automatically), "Override Subnet Mask" is checked
and contains a value that will error out unless you put in a correct
Subnet Mask value or uncheck the box.
Workaround: uncheck the Override Subnet Mask selection.
2. SurfControl, if the USR8200 is set for a static IP Address the SurfControl
module does not start on a reboot.
Workaround: disable and re-enable SurfControl.
Reported Issues:
This section contains a list of issues that have been reported and are either
not considered issues based on design, can not be verified, have no workaround
as of yet, or are still under investigation.
1. Unable to set the subnet mask to for a route being added manually.
2. Unable to assign multiple networks to be routed through an IPSec connection.
3. Hard Disk either gets marked as read only or delete access is removed. This
is most typically caused by heavy fragmentation, disks exceeding the
amount of times it is allowed to mount before a check disk is required to be
performed, or a hard disk that goes to sleep and takes a while to wake up.
4. Various hard-disk related issues with performance.
5. No IP for NAT e-mail messages.
6. Please visit the USR8200 support pages for an FAQ concerning
Poor Network Performance.
How do I configure One-to-One NAPT:
What is One-to-One NAPT?
One-to-One NAPT is the ability to have ports translated from multiple IP addresses
defined on the WAN side of the USR8200 to different machines behind the USR8200 NAT (NAPT).
| ISP |
| USR8200 |
___|___ ___|___ ___|___ ___|___ ___|___
| S1 | | S2 | | S3 | | S4 | | S5 |
------- ------- ------- ------- -------
1.253 1.252 1.251 1.250 1.249
Your ISP has assigned you on network 120 of subnet 248, available IPs to use
123.123.123.(121 - 126)
Configuration of One-to-One NAPT using the diagram above:
1. Login to the USR8200
2. Click on Network Connections
3. Click on the Edit icon for you WAN connection type (e.g. WAN Ethernet)
4. Click on the Settings button
5. At the very bottom you will see New IP Address for Additional IP Addresses;
click on New IP Address
6. Fill in the Static IP information.
a. IP Address: This is an additional static IP address you own or are leasing
from your Internet Service Provider. (e.g.
b. Subnet Mask: This is the Subnet in which your IP address falls into.
c. Click on OK
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for the additional IP addresses that are available within
network 120 for subnet 248 to the USR8200 WAN interface if you plan on using all
of them in this manner.
8. Go to the Security page
9. Click on the Advanced Filtering tab.
10. Under the "Input Rule Sets", Click on Initial Rules
11. Click on New Entry.
12. Fill in the necessary data for the WAN IP that you want redirected to the
LAN Server.
a. Source IP Address: This is only used if you want to make the connection
to the server more secure, by only allowing one person to it, or more by
duplicating this rule with other IPs that you want to allow to the server
in this field.
b. Destination IP Address: This is where the WAN IP address you want to redirect
to the LAN Server. (e.g.
c. Check the redirect radio selection and fill in the LAN IP Address for the
Server. (e.g.
d. Choose the services (ports) you wish to redirect to this Server.
(e.g. FTP port Any - 21)
e. Click on OK when you are finished.
13. Repeat steps 11 and 12 to configure additional One-to-One NAPT
After this procedure is completed, the servers that reside behind the USR8200
will only receive traffic for the services listed in the new rule sets.