You can download new firmware for your gateway periodically from the U.S. Robotics Web site at .
To upgrade the firmware, first find the latest version on the Web site and save it to your computer's hard drive. Then open EasyConfigurator:
Windows Vista users: Click Windows Start > All Programs > U.S. Robotics EasyConfigurator.
Windows users: To access EasyConfigurator, click Start, Programs, and select U.S. Robotics EasyConfigurator.
Macintosh and Linux users: Double-click EasyConfigurator from your desktop.
In EasyConfigurator, log in and click on Device to open the Device page:
Click Browse, browse to the location of the firmware file on your hard drive and select it.
Click Open and press Upgrade. It will take approximately two minutes to upgrade your gateway with the new firmware. If the status from the Status page is NOT CONFIGURED, you need to reconfigure the router from the EasyConfigurator Configuration page. When the process is complete, you can close EasyConfigurator. You may need to reconfigure the gateway.