ADSL statistics

This page shows the signal attributes of the gateway's ADSL connection.

At the bottom of this page, there is a button for running an ADSL BER Test (bit error rate). This test determines the quality of the ADSL connection. There is information on this test below the table describing the fields.

This table describes the fields on the page:

ADSL BER (Bit error rate) Test

A bit error rate test is available from the ADSL statistics page. Follow this procedure to run a bit error rate test.

Warning: Running this test may cause your ADSL connection to be lost.

  1. Below the table in the ADSL statistics page, click the ADSL BER Test button.
  2. In Tested time, pick a length for the test. Then click Start when ready to begin the test.

  3. The window shows you the test status. You can click Stop any time to end the test.

  4. The results appear in the window when the test is done.


Return to the Status menu options.