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Configuring Your Broadband Router for use with Analog Modems

  1. Connect your serial cable to your analog modem and to the COM port on the broadband router. Make sure the modem is powered on.
  2. Go to the Configuration Utility and click Primary Setup. Click Change and select the WAN type as Dialup Network.
  3. In the Baud Rate field, select the setting 115200 from the drop-down box for maximum throughput capabilities.
  4. In the Extra Settings field, insert AT&F1.
  5. Click Save and reboot the broadband router. Click Dial-up to initiate a dial-up session with your ISP. The peripheral status will display whether or not the call was successful. If the settings are correct, the analog modem will connect to the Internet. If you cannot connect to the Internet, verify you have entered all the correct values in the Primary Setup page before connecting to the Internet again.
  6. Note: For specific terms and definitions, access the Analog Glossary for more information.


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