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Achieving 125 Mbps Performance - Framebursting Framebursting is a modification to the inter-frame spacing of 802.11 packets. Essentially the space between data frames is reduced in order to “burst,” or rapidly send, packets back to back in a shorter timeframe. This technique allows the higher data rates of 802.11g to be used to their full capacity to transmit for the same amount of time as the slower data rates in 802.11b. The diagram below is a graphical representation of framebursting.
Framebursting is a technological improvement that has been introduced in various products to provide enhanced speed, typically resulting in performance improvement of up to 25%. For the USRobotics 802.11g Wireless Turbo family of products, the addition of framebursting delivers that 25% speed boost on top of the already accelerated 100Mbps performance, achieving speeds up to 125Mbps. The following products take advantage of this additional performance acceleration: