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Telephone line call features with the USR Call Director

Question: Is Caller ID compatible with the Call Director?
Answer: Yes. The Call Director has to be programmed for (2) Rings to Answer to allow the caller ID information to be delivered by the phone company. Refer to your manual or call our Tech Support.

Question: How can I make Caller ID work with the Call Director?
Answer: You must delay Call Director to answer after the phone company sends the CID data packet, between the 1st and 2nd ring from the phone company. See programming instructions in the Users Manual and set "Rings To Answer" option register 14 to value of 2.

Question: Is Call Waiting compatible with the Call Director?
Answer: Call waiting will work with/through our device. It must be understood that data communication may be disturbed/impacted if the Call Waiting signal is received during the data call. On rare occasions, this may only cause a “glitch” or may cause a complete disconnect. Consider carefully if this feature fits your overall needs for the line.

Question: Is the Call Director compatible with phone company Call Forwarding services?
Answer: The Call Director answers all incoming calls. When “no answer” Call Forward is activated, the call will never be forwarded because the Call Director answers all calls. In the case of “standard” Call Forward, where it never rings the site, the call forward will happen as intended by the feature since the Call Director will not have a chance to answer the call. Also, note that with standard Call Forward all calls will be forwarded including fax or modem calls.

Question: Is the phone company Voice Mail compatible with the Call Director?
Answer: No. The phone company Voice Mail will only answer when the line is busy. The Call Director must answer the Telco ring before processing the call. This means any function/service provided by the phone company that is dependent on the “unanswered” condition will not work with the Call Director.

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