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WPA-PSK (TKIP/AES) is taking a long time to obtain an IP address when attached to USB 1.1

If WPA-PSK (TKIP/AES) is taking a long time to obtain an IP address when attached to USB 1.1, you may need to manually release and renew the IP address for your operating system. To do so, select your appropriate operating system and follow the steps below:

Windows 95, 98, ME

  1. Click Start/Run and type winipcfg.
  2. Select USRobotics 802.11g Wireless USB Adapter.
  3. Click Release and wait 5-10 seconds for the utility to update IP information.
  4. Click Renew and click OK.

Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4) and Windows XP (Service Pack 1)

  1. Click Start/Run and type cmd to open the command prompt.
  2. At the Dos screen, type ipconfig /release and wait 5-10 seconds before typing ipconfig /renew.
  3. It may be necessary to unplug the USB cable from the USR5420 and wait until the USR5420 LEDs disappear. Then, plug the USB cable back into the USR5420.


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