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My 10/100 Ethernet Switch is properly connected to my Ethernet-ready device, but my connection speed is slow.

Possible Solution:
Verify that your network adapter and/or additional Ethernet-ready device supports 100 Mbps. You may be using a 10 Mbps device. To achieve 100 Mbps speeds, replace any 10 Mbps devices you are using with 100 Mbps devices.

Possible Solution:
Verify you are using a known and reliable RJ-45 Category 5 Ethernet cable. An old or unreliable RJ-45 Category Ethernet cable could diminish your link quality. It may be necessary to replace your RJ-45 Category 5 Ethernet cable.

Possible Solution:
Check the LED status lights on your 10/100 Ethernet Switch. A flashing yellow light indicates you are receiving and transmitting data at 10 Mbps. A flashing green light indicates you are receiving and transmitting data at 100 Mbps. If you only see blinking LEDs, it may be necessary to replace your RJ-45 Category 5 Ethernet cable.

Possible Solution:
The length of your Ethernet cable between your 10/100 Ethernet Switch and your workstation or computer should not exceed 328 feet. Some power sources with strong electromagnetic fields may be causing interference.

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