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I am unable to communicate with the 22 Mbps Wireless Access Point.

Possible Solution:
Be sure that each Wireless PC Card, PCI Adapter, or PCI Adapter (with detachable antenna) that you want to connect to the wireless network is set to Infrastructure mode within the Configuration Utility. If your 22 Mbps Wireless PC Cards or PCI Adapters are not set to Infrastructure mode, they will not be able to communicate with the 22 Mbps Wireless Access Point.

Possible Solution:
Your 22 Mbps Wireless Access Point may not be responding. Try resetting the 22 Mbps Wireless Access Point to reactivate it. Press in and hold the RESET button. While holding in the RESET button, unplug the power adapter from the 22 Mbps Wireless Access Point and then plug it back in. Continue to hold the RESET button for about five seconds to restore the factory default settings. When this is performed, the Wireless Activity LED will blink.

Possible Solution:
Be certain the 22 Mbps Wireless Access Point has the correct IP address for your LAN. Check the listed IP address for the 22 Mbps Wireless Access Point in the Configuration Utility.

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