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List of Ports for Special Applications

Note: Opening ports on a router can cause potential security risks. In particular, opening Terminal Services UPnP Port 3389 on Windows XP can allow Internet hackers to take over your computer if Windows XP is not patched with Microsoft's latest security updates.

Some applications require open service ports, such as Internet games, video conferencing, Internet telephony, and others. These applications cannot work with a pure NAT Router since all the ports are blocked by default. This is a result of the Router's NAT firewall function. Special Applications will allow some of these applications to work with a Router.

Trigger: This is the outbound port number that the application assigned first.
Incoming Ports: When the trigger packet is detected, the inbound packets to the specified port number are allowed to pass through the firewall.
Enable: This must be selected in order for a special application port to be activated.

This product provides some predefined settings in the drop-down menu on the bottom of the Web Page Interface. In the Popular applications drop-down menu, select an ID, and click Copy to copy a predefined setting.

Note: Only one computer can use a specific port number at a time.

The Web-based configuration utility can be used to change the settings of the Router. A brief description of these settings is provided below.

Start up and Login

Open an Internet browser and enter the Router's IP address. The following is the default IP address of the Router:

After the connection is established, you will see the Web User Interface for the Configuration Utility. There is no default password, so just click Login. Select Advanced (or Advanced Settings depending on your router) and then Special Applications.

Note: For a complete list of all ports, visit

E-mail & Video Conferencing
Audio & Video  
Other Common Servers

E-mail & Video Conferencing
Active Worlds TCP N/A 3000 Wide port range
TCP N/A 5670 Wide port range
TCP N/A 7777 Wide port range
TCP N/A 7000-7100 Wide port range
AIM Talk TCP 4099
TCP 5190
Battlecom UDP 2300-2400 Wide port range
TCP 2300-2400 Wide port range
UDP 47624 Wide port range
TCP 47624 Wide port range
Buddy Phone UDP 700-701 No FTP
Calista IP phone TCP 5190
UDP 3000
CuSeeMe UDP 24032
UDP  1414  Use H.323 protocol if available
UDP 1424 Use H.323 protocol if available
TCP 1503
TCP 1720 Use H.323 protocol if available
UDP 1812-1813 
TCP    7640
TCP  7642
UDP 7648
TCP     7648
TCP   7649
UDP 24032
UDP 56800
UDP 1414 Use H.323 protocol if available
UDP 1424 Use H.323 protocol if available
TCP  1503
TCP 1720 Use H.323 protocol if available
UDP 1812-1813
TCP 7640 
TCP 7642
UDP  7648
TCP      7648
TCP 7649
UDP  56800
Dialpad TCP 7175
UDP 51200 -    51201
TCP 51210
TCP 1584-1585
TCP  8680    8686
Dwyco Video Conferencing UDP 12000 - 16090 Wide port range
TCP    1024 - 5000 Wide port range
TCP 6700 - 6702 Wide port range
TCP 6880 Wide port range
H.323 compliant video player, 
NetMeeting 2.0, 3.0, Intel Video Phone
TCP 1720
UDP 1024    65534 Use H.323 protocol if available
UDP  1024    65534 Use H.323 protocol if available
TCP 1024    1502 Use H.323 protocol if available
TCP 1024    1502 Use H.323 protocol if available
TCP 1504    1730 Use H.323 protocol if available
TCP  1504    1730 Use H.323 protocol if available
TCP 1732    65534 Use H.323 protocol if available
TCP 1732    65534 Use H.323 protocol if available
TCP 1503   1503
TCP 1731    1731
TCP 1503    1503 
TCP 1731    1731
ICQ In ICQ, select Preferences & security, Preferences, Connections, and click I am behind a firewall or proxy. Click Firewall Settings. Select I don't have a SOCKS Proxy server on my firewall or I am using another Proxy server. Click Next.  Click Use the following TCP listen ports for incoming event and set the TCP ports for 20000 to 20019 for the first user, 20020 to 20039 for the second user,  20040 to 20059 for the third user, and so on.
UDP 4000
TCP 20000   20019 One user only
TCP 20000   20039 Two users only
TCP 20000   20059 Three users only
ICUII Client TCP  2019 Wide port range
TCP 2000 2038 Wide port range
TCP 2050 2051 Wide port range
TCP 2069 Wide port range
TCP 2085 Wide port range
TCP  3010 3030 Wide port range
TCP 2000 2038 Wide port range
TCP 2050 2051 Wide port range
TCP  2069 Wide port range
TCP  2085 Wide port range
TCP 3010 3030 Wide port range
ICUII Client (Version 4.xx) TCP 1024 - 5000 Wide port range
TCP 2000 - 2038 Wide port range
TCP 2050 - 2051 Wide port range
TCP 2069 Wide port range
TCP 2085 Wide port range
TCP 3010 - 3030 Wide port range
TCP 6700 - 6702 Wide port range
TCP 6880 Wide port range
UDP 12000 - 16090 Wide port range
Internet Phone UDP 22555
Ivisit UDP 9943
UDP 56768
LIVvE UDP 8999 For pager file send only
mIRC DCC / IRC DCC TCP 1024 - 5000 Wide port range
mIRC Chat TCP 6660 - 6669 The IRC port is usually 6667
MSN Messenger TCP 6891 - 6900 Wide port range
TCP 1863 Wide port range
UDP 1863 Wide port range
UDP 5190 Wide port range
UDP 6901 Wide port range
TCP 6901 Wide port range

One additional UDP and one TCP port in the range of 1 to 30000 must be mapped.  These ports must be mapped in your firewall, then set in the Net2Phone client as follows:

  1. Click Menu.
  2. Select Preferences.
  3. Click the Network tab.
  4. Enter 6802 for the Client TCP Port.
  5. Enter 6803 for the Client UDP Port.
UDP   6801
UDP 6801
PhoneFree UDP 1034 - 1035 Wide port range
UDP 9900 - 9901 Wide port range
TCP 1034 - 1035 Wide port range
TCP 2644 Wide port range
TCP 8000 Wide port range
Polycom ViaVideo H.323 TCP 3230 - 3235
UDP  3230 - 3235
Speak Freely UDP 2074 - 2076
Yahoo Messenger Chat TCP 5000 - 5001
Yahoo Messenger Phone UDP 5055
Audio & Video
GNUtella TCP 6346
UDP 6346
IStreamVideo2HP TCP 8076 - 8077
UDP 8076 - 8077
KaZaA TCP 1214
Napster TCP 6699
TCP 6699
RealAudio on Port 7070 TCP 7070
UDP 6970  -  7170
Aliens vs. Predator UDP 80 Wide port range
UDP 2300 - 2400 Wide port range
UDP 8000 - 8999 Wide port range
Black and White TCP 2611 - 2612
TCP  6667
UDP 6500
UDP 27900
Blizzard Battlenet TCP     4000
TCP 6112
UDP 6112, Myth, Myth II Server TCP 3453
Dark Reign 2 TCP 26214
UDP 26214
Delta Force (Client and Server) UDP 3568
TCP 3100    3999
TCP 3100    3999
UDP 3100    3999
UDP 3100    3999
Delta Force 2 UDP 3568
UDP 3569
Elite Force UDP  26000
UDP  27500
UDP  27910
UDP  27960
Everquest TCP 1024  7000 Wide port range
UDP 1024  6000 Wide port range
F-22 Lightning 3 UDP 3875 Wide port range
UDP 4533 Wide port range
UDP 4534 Wide port range
UDP 4660 - 4670 Wide port range
Fighter Ace II TCP 50000 - 50100 Wide port range
UDP 50000 - 50100 Wide port range
TCP 47624 For DX play
TCP 2300 - 2400 For DX play
UDP 2300 - 2400 For DX play
Half Life UDP 6003
UDP 7002
UDP 27010
UDP 27015
UDP 27025
Half Life Server UDP 27015
Heretic II Server TCP 28910
Hexen II Each computer hosting Hexen II must use a different port number, starting at 26900 and incrementing by 1.
UDP 26900 For first player
KALI Each computer using KALI must use a different port number, starting at 2213 and incrementing by 1.
UDP 2213 For first player
UDP 6666
MSN Game Zone TCP 6667 Wide port range
TCP 28800 - 29000 Wide port range
TCP 47624 For DX play
TCP 2300 - 2400 For DX play
UDP 2300 - 2400 For DX play
Need for Speed UDP 9442
Need for Speed 3 TCP 1030
Outlaws UDP 5310
TCP 5310
Quake2  (Client and Server) UDP 27910

Each computer playing QuakeIII must use a different port number, starting at 27660 and incrementing by 1. In addition, perform the following:

  1. Right click the QIII icon.
  2. Select Properties
  3. Add the Quake III net_port command to specify a unique communication port for each system in the Target field. The complete field should look like this: C:\Program Files\Quake III Arena\quake3.exe +set net_port 27660.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Repeat for each system.
UDP 27660 For first player
Rainbow Six (Client and Server) TCP 2346
TCP 2346
Rogue Spear TCP 2346
TCP 2346
Soldier of Fortune UDP 28910 - 28915
Starcraft UDP 6112
Starfleet Command TCP 2300 - 2400 Wide port range
TCP 47624 Wide port range
UDP 2300 - 2400 Wide port range
UDP 47624 Wide port range
Ultima TCP 5001-5010 Game
TCP 7775-7777 Login
TCP 8888 Patch
TCP 8800-8900 UO Messenger
TCP 9999 Patch
TCP 7875 UOMonitor
Unreal  Tournament server UDP 7777
UDP 7778
UDP 7779+
UDP 27900
TCP 8080 
Westwood Online - C&C Tiberian Sun & Dune 2000 TCP 4000
TCP  4000
UDP 1140    1234
TCP 1140    1234
UDP  1140    1234
TCP 1140    1234
Other Common Servers
FTP Server on your LAN TCP 21
POP3 Mail Server on your LAN TCP 110 
SMTP Mail server on your LAN TCP 25
TELNET Server on your LAN TCP 23
WEB Server on your LAN TCP 80
CITRIX Metaframe / ICA client TCP 1494 Wide port range
UDP  1604 Wide port range
TCP 1023 - 5000 Wide port range
Deerfield MDaemon Email Server TCP  3000
TCP  3001
Direct Connect TCP 375 - 425 Wide port range
Lotus Notes Server TCP 1352
pcANYHWERE host on your LAN TCP  5631
UDP 5632
RAdmin (Fama Tech) TCP 4899
Remote Anything
TCP 3999 - 4000
UDP 3996 - 3998
Remotely AnyWhere TCP 2000
Remotely Possible Server TCP 799
Shiva VPN UDP 2233
UDP 2233
Virtual Network Computing (VNC) TCP 5500
TCP 5800
TCP 5900
Windows 2000 Terminal Server TCP 3389
UDP 3389


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