3Com Megahertz
56K Global GSM and Cellular Modem PC Card User Guide
Voice Functions 

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Voice Functions


Voice greeting is inaudible.

Possible Solution:

The volume at which a remote caller hears a greeting can be inaudible on poor phone lines. To remedy this situation, record a new greeting with the microphone level turned as loud as possible. This setting is in the Windows 95 System "mixer" or SoundMapper.




MMSYSTEMS386 File is Missing

Possible Solution:

Prerecorded greetings and received phone messages do not play back on some computers when running with Windows 3.1x. The error message MMSYSTEMS386 file is missing will appear.

To remedy this problem, use a text editor to enter the Windows SYSTEM.INI file. Locate the [drivers32] section, then edit the following two lines:

#** Insert Lines

#edit %d\windows\win.ini 0 1 1 [embedding]

Either delete these lines or insert a semicolon (;) before the # on each line to tell the computer to ignore them. Save the file and restart Windows.