
Note: If you are not using a USRobotics Wireless MAXg Router, refer to your router manufacturer's documentation for router-specific information.

I am no longer able to access the Internet.

My computer does not recognise the Wireless MAXg PC Card or PCI Adapter.

I am unable to communicate with an access point or wireless router.

I accidentally clicked Cancel during the software installation procedure for the Wireless MAXg PC Card or PCI Adapter.

The U.S Robotics interface did not begin when I inserted the Installation CD-ROM.

I inserted the Wireless MAXg PC Card or PCI Adapter before the Installation CD-ROM.

I cannot achieve MAXg (125 Mbps) connections to a Wireless MAXg Router.

I am unable to create a wireless connection to a wireless router or access point.

The wireless network I want to connect to is not appearing the Available Networks list in the Configuration Utility.

The wireless clients seem to be communicating, but they do not appear in the My Computer window or in the My Network Places window.

My computer does not create a wireless connection to a Wireless MAXg Router after I changed the settings.

My Wireless MAXg Router is not appearing in the list when I wirelessly scan for it.

I am experiencing poor link quality.