USR MoH (Modem on Hold) allows you to stay in touch with incoming voice telephone calls while maintaining your online connection when you are using a V.92 connection and have call waiting and caller ID services from your telephone provider.
Incoming Call Notification: If you have call waiting service from your telephone service provider, USR MoH will inform you of any incoming voice or modem calls, and display the caller information if you have caller ID service from your telephone service provider. Check with your local telephone service provider; there may be a small setup charge and monthly fee for these services.
Note: In some countries, the Caller ID data is sent by the network in the form of DTMF tones. The modem does not support this format and will not display the caller ID information.
Modem on Hold: If you connect to your Internet service provider with a V.92 connection, you have the option to ignore an incoming call, take an incoming call while placing your Internet connection on hold, or drop your Internet connection to take an incoming call for a longer phone conversation. Simply use the regular telephone handset attached to your modem to talk with the calling party.
If your Internet connection does not support V.92, you will be prompted to accept the call or ignore it, but accepting the call will immediately end your data connection.
Starting USR MoH
The USR MoH is active when the icon for it appears in your system tray. After a successful installation, the icon should be present in the system tray.
To make the icon appear on the system tray:
Click Windows Start > (All) Programs > US Robotics Modem on Hold. This will load the program.
The icon should now be located in the system tray.
To close USR MoH:
Right click the icon in the system tray.
Select Exit MoH from the menu and click Yes. The icon will disappear.