Gateway Login

This displays the current user name and password assigned to the gateway. To change your user name and/or password, select a User name, enter the Old password, New password and Confirm password, and click Apply at the bottom of the page. You will need to log in to your gateway with the new user name and password.

Password Rules:

  1. The Wireless Ndx ASDL2+ Gateway lets you set a password up to 15 characters long. The most secure passwords are usually between 8 and 15 characters long.

  2. The gateway will allow you to enter a space or other punctuation in your password.

  3. Use a mixture of upper (A through Z) and lower (a through z) case letters.

  4. Adding numbers 0 through 9 to a password increases security.

  5. Use ASCII symbols, such as ~ ! @ # $ % & ^ *, etc, to further increase the security of your password.


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