Basic Troubleshooting Procedure

This procedure addresses a number of symptoms that you might experience with your print server:

  1. Verify the physical cable connections between the print server, the printer, your router, and your power outlet.
  2. Ensure that the power outlet to which the print server is connected is a live outlet.
  3. Refer to the LED descriptions and then check the LEDs on the print server to make sure you are receiving power and that there is not a print error.


If you still have trouble using the router, follow the procedure below that best describes your symptom.

For specific operating system platform information, go to the appropriate section:





Windows Troubleshooting

My Setup Wizard can’t detect the Wireless USB Print Server.

At the end of the Setup Wizard, I receive a message that says “Network busy, or device not found”.

My Wireless USB Print Server is not appearing in the Printer Port Setup screen.

I am unable to add my printer in the Add Printer Wizard screen.

I am unable to print a test page.

I am unable to print via a wireless connection or the Wireless Print Server is not connecting to my wireless network.

I created a new wireless network and the Wireless USB Print Server is not connecting to it.

I have installed my multi-function printer, but my fax and scanner capabilities do not work.

I tried to install the software for Peer-to-Peer (PTP) printing, but received an error message and the installation was aborted.

Some print jobs are not printing correctly.



Some print jobs are not printing correctly.

I cannot find the Wireless USB Print Server's name in the Chooser.

My document did not print to the correct printer.

My document doesn't use the correct fonts when printing.

My EPS file doesn't use the correct fonts when printing.

I can't select the Remaining from: item in the Print Dialog box.

A cover page prints either on the first or the last page of the document.

I am having trouble printing with the LaserWriter 8.

The colors on my printed output do not match the colors on my computer screen.

When I send a print job, I get a PostScript Command error or nothing is printed.


The Wireless USB Print Server is not recognized.

I don't know t he IP Address of the Wireless USB Print Server and it is being moved to a new network environment.