
Below you will find examples of common usage questions and solutions.

I want to block one of the clients on my network from having Internet access between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., every day of the week.

I want to connect the Wireless MAXg Router to a DSL router that has an IP address of; what do I do?

I have switched service providers from cable to DSL PPPoE; what do I do?

I want to be able to access the Wireless MAXg Router remotely on port 8080.

I have purchased another U.S. Robotics Wireless MAXg PC Card, PCI Adapter, or USB Adapter; what do I do to connect it to the Wireless MAXg Router?

I have purchased a non-U.S. Robotics wireless PC Card, PCI Adapter, or USB Adapter; what do I do to connect it to the Wireless MAXg Router?

How do I receive System Logs from the Wireless MAXg Router?

I did not originally enable any form of encryption when I set up the Wireless MAXg Router in my home, but now I want to secure my wireless network; what do I do?