How do I set the wireless security for my router using Windows Vista?

Windows Vista users can use the "Set up a Wireless Router or Access Point" wizard to configure the wireless security settings on the router using Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS).

Note: If you configure your wireless security settings on the router using the "Set up a Wireless Router or Access Point" wizard in Windows Vista, all other WPS devices must connect to the router using Windows Vista. You cannot connect devices using the router's configuration pages.

  1. Your router needs to be set to the factory default settings.

    If you are setting up a router that has not been configured:

    1. See Installation for instructions on connecting your router to your modem, computer, and to the power outlet. The router must be connected to your Windows Vista computer with an Ethernet cable.
    2. To access the router configuration pages, start your Web browser, and in the location or address line, type: and press ENTER.
    3. Do not click Start on the page, but leave the window open. You'll need the WPS PIN on this page later in this procedure.

    If you are setting up a router that has been configured:

    1. See Installation for instructions on connecting your router to your computer. The router must be connected to your Windows Vista computer with an Ethernet cable.
    2. Log in to the router configuration pages.
    3. Click the Device tab.
    4. In the Factory Settings section, click Reload to restore your router to the factory default settings. When you restore the factory default settings, all your current settings will be lost. When prompted, click Continue.
    5. Refresh the router's Start page. Do not click Start on the page, but leave the window open. You'll need the WPS PIN on this page later in this procedure.
  2. Click Windows Start > Network.
  3. Click Add a wireless device.
  4. Select the USRobotics Wireless MAXg Router, click Next, and follow the on-screen instructions.
  5. If your router is not found:

    1. Click Cancel.
    2. Press the Reset button on the back of the router.
    3. When the WLAN (Wireless) LED is solid, refresh the router's Start page to see the new WPS PIN for the router.
    4. Click Add a wireless device to scan for your router again.
  6. When prompted, enter the WPS PIN of the router, click Next, and continue with the on-screen instructions.

    The WPS PIN is displayed in the lower right corner of the router's Start page.


  7. If the connection does not complete successfully, repeat the installation procedure, including the restore to the factory default settings, using the new WPS PIN on the router's Start page.
  8. When you reset the router to the factory default, the user name and password used to access the router configuration pages was erased. To set a new user name and password after the router has been configured by Windows Vista:
    1. Go back to your Web browser and refresh the page.
    2. Click the Security tab.
    3. In the Router Login section, enter a user name and password, then click Save at the bottom of the page.
  9. If you cannot get to the Internet, use the Internet page to enter your Internet service provider (ISP) information manually.


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