Below you will find examples of common usage questions and solutions.
How do I receive System Logs from the gateway?
How can I make my wireless network more secure?
How do I configure my gateway if I am connecting a gaming console?
What other gateway settings may be useful?
Network Address and Port Translation (NAPT)
With your Wireless Ndx ASDL2+ Gateway, you can use the firewall and security settings to set up parental controls for your network to control what types of Internet applications your children can use and even what times of the day they are allowed Internet access.
Have you picked a secure Password for the gateway?
Have you set the time on your gateway?
The examples below show some of the common rules you can implement with the Wireless Ndx ASDL2+ Gateway. While these tutorials give specific examples, you can use them and modify the times, dates and other information to apply to your own network.
I want to control if a computer can access the Internet.